Wednesday, September 20, 2006

  • Certificates have not been upgraded, the tests are now critical and Giuseppe is on Holiday up to the 27/09. I will upgrade them since Giuseppe is on holiday. Have made a new rpm version 8 for the certs. Have a look at our wiki
  • lhcb yaim settings have been changed to match their use of groups rather than roles. It seems ok and I am populating the LT2 yaim file with the corrected entries
Biomed challenge: Have asked all London to update the biomed voms to be ready for the biomed challenge of 1/10. Will have to fill in the ressource pledge in the cic portal here. Duncan has checked with Yannick that the voms settings is ok.

Trying to find a solution for the net monitoring box proposed by Robin. Admins wants to rebuild the machine. I am afraid this will take time to be resolved.

Woodcrest purchase: Today we have received 8 new boxes. The disks one. We have also debugged a problem with the pxe boot. It seems that some of our switches are not behaving correctly since the dhcp requests do not come back. Kostas is investigating further. For the CE we will build an old machine. We are ordering additional 1Gb memory for the CE that will go to ICT and HEP.

Dzero: Frederic has tested dzero at QMUL, it seems that the setup we have made for the TMP directory is ok. He is having concerns with the number of slots he is having at LESC.

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