Monday, September 18, 2006

SC4 CMS: Last friday Brunel was validated for CMS production. It is now running full with cms jobs. We had to play with the dpm permissions to make this work and now doing the same at RHUL. I am trying to keep the London SC4 activity page updated. See below a plot taken on the 18/09/2006 showing the Brunel activity.QMUL:
  • poolfs died, the index is not reachable. It seems that autofs is not behaving correctly. I did not dare to restart the machine remotely and I made a hard mount to the index under /tmnt/poolfs. dpm is back.
  • Prepared qmul for cms sc4 . Waiting for the cmssw to be installed and will have to make the dpm hack.
LeSC: Frederic is having problems with dzero jobs. A lot of jobs are scheduled but they seem to dissapear. See the two plots below. I suspect that some of the jobs have a very short time because of a stager error and they are not seen as running since they last for less than five minutes. We will check in the root file to see what wall clock time distribution the job have.

IC-HEP: Our rb is creating a lot of proxy renewal and filling up the disk., Mona is investigating.
We have received two woodcrest from Viglen and I need to check with the order.

UCL-CENTRAL: Alice left thanks for her work !
We have problems with the ops vo, the replication does not work. William saw that it is due to the default se that is not set correctly. Probably a bug in yaim. It should be fixed now.

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